NEWS and announcements

Opening of the Pushkin Russian Language Office at Efrat University and the Cher Foundation with the support of Pushkin Institute has already given results.
Last week, a screening of the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” was arranged for children of Abidjan at the École Le Muguet school. This event allowed not only to make a day at school more interesting, but also to share the fairy tale, important for Russian culture. It was noted that meeting with these fictional characters brought a lot of positivity.
The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Côte d’Ivoire, Alexey Saltykov, and his wife not only attended the screening, but also treated the participants real Russian pancakes of their own making.
We are hoping for further arranging such meetings!

Konstantin Mogilevsky, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, delivered a welcoming speech: “My Vietnamese colleagues and I are united in our desire to give a new impulse to the Hanoi branch of the Pushkin State Russian Language and activate its work, management and financing model. The widespread use of the Russian language in Vietnam is a great competitive advantage in the modern world. The creating joint educational and methodological materials has already begun, a number of which are presented at the conference. In addition, these days the expedition of the volunteer program “Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world” continues in Vietnam. I feel thankful to them and to all the participants of the conference for their commitment to the Russian language and Russian culture and wish them success in their work!”
The opening ceremony of the conference was attended by the rector of Pushkin Institute, Natalia Trukhanovskaya:
“I am very glad that this holiday is taking place today, because we have worked very hard to make it happen! The Russian side, represented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Pushkin Institute, have made a great contribution to the development of Vietnamese Russian studies. I am happy to welcome the guests from Southeast Asian countries who have come to participate in the Hanoi Festival and the scientific conference on the Russian language, which will be held here for two days. We will exchange opinions and scientific achievements in the field of Russian philology.”
Natalia Sergeevna also focused on the Russian Language Olympiad for Vietnamese schoolchildren held in November:
“30 of its finalists came here to compete for the three main places and the main prize – a month of summer internship at Pushkin Institute. I witnessed myself how they passed the viva – free speaking, how worried they were! We were also worried, because it was very important to give fair assessments so that no one would be upset, but on the contrary, had fun and remembered the Olympics as a holiday. Except for the finalists, we invited 10 most active and enthusiastic students. They will also perform at the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Hanoi branch!”
The opening was also attended by Deputy Minister of Education and Training of Vietnam Nguyen Van Phuc, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Vietnam Gennady Bezdetko, Head of the Russian House in Hanoi Vladimir Murashkin, Chairman of the Union of Friendship Societies of Vietnam Fan Anh Shon, representatives of Russian and Vietnamese universities.
After the official part, a festive concert was held, which was prepared by Vietnamese schoolchildren. They performed songs in Russian and played on spoons.
The topics of the meetings of the first day of the conference:
– Support and promoting the Russian language in Vietnam
– Successful development of the educational and methodological complex “Polyot”, which was coordinated by the publishing house “Zlatoust”, the Pushkin Institute and the Hanoi branch of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
– The Russian Language Abroad: Vietnamese Russian Studies” special issue presentation dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Hanoi branch of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
– Successful experience in conducting the expedition of the international volunteer program “Ambassadors of the Russian Language in the world”, which involves more than 700 schoolchildren, students and cadets from 14 educational institutions in Vietnam.
The experts spoke about a wide range of scientific areas of Russian studies, including the specifics of teaching Russian as a foreign language in Southeast Asian countries. Russian Linguistics lecturers presented their reports at the conference: Ella Kitanina, Head of the Department of Russian and General Linguistics, Natalia Kulibina, Professor, Head of the Methodological Department of the Russian Language of the Department of Digital Educational Technologies, Anna Fedoseeva, Associate Professor of the Department of Internships of Foreign Specialists of the Faculty of Education of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Maria Milovanova, Professor of the Department of Russian and General Linguistics, Ekaterina Rubleva, Associate Professor of the Department of Teaching Methods of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
An exhibition of Russian education was also held today, which involved participation of leading universities, including Pushkin Institute. They presented their educational programs to Vietnamese applicants.
The event was arranged by Pushkin Institute and Hanoi branch of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute the at the initiative of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The Dictionary Day is celebrated in Russia on November 22 – it is the birthday of Vladimir Dahl. In honor of this wonderful philological holiday, the scientific department of our institute conducted a mystical adventure game “The Missing Lexicographer” for students.
This is the legend behind it: A long-long time ago there lived Magnus, the Great Lexicographer. He devoted his whole life to creating the best Dictionary in the world – the most complete and accurate, which, would reflect our beautiful and diverse world as a mirror. But the enemy of the Great Master, the evil and insidious Nihilist, was constantly messing with the Lexicographer. When the work on the Dictionary was almost completed, the terrible Nihilis put a dreadful spell on the Master, turning him into a ficus, and his life’s work into clods of earth.
The mission of the participants is to disenchant Magnus. In order to do this, they had to complete all the tasks, collect the keywords, and make a spell out of them, the strongest in the history of white magic.
Three teams took part in the quest. Their names were also lexicographical: “Dahl’s Team”, “Ushakov’s Team” and “Ozhegov’s Team”. Before the start of the adventure, the students compiled team mottos based on rhymes from famous literary works. Then they received the route sheets and set off on their way.
During the quest, the participants “made their way” through impassable swamps, solved a secret cipher, assembled a puzzle, laid out a dictionary solitaire, guessed dictionaries from fragments of them. The guys showed incredible ingenuity, resourcefulness and a high level of philological training.
After all the clever traps were passed, the teams composed a spell based on the collected keywords. They became lines from a poem by A.A. Akhmatova: “Gold is rusting and steel is decaying. // Marble crumbles – everything is ready for death. // Sadness is the strongest on earth // And the most durable is the royal Word.”
The scoring showed that the teams were literally very close to each other – they scored 43, 44 and 45 points. The winner was the “Ozhegov Team”.
At the end, the participants received prizes with the symbols of Pushkin Institute. Everyone came to the conclusion that the celebration of Dictionary Day was a success.
We suggest you complete one of the quest tasks! Look at the pictures and decipher the most famous Russian lexicographers.

Juan Fernando Holguin Flores, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ecuador to Russia, and Natalia Grendo, the Vice-Rector for International Affairs of Pushkin Institute, discussed possible options for cooperation and future opportunities for teaching Russian to Ecuadorians.
Ana Miskic, the Charge d’affaires of the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Russia, and Yuri Kopylov agreed to spread the information about the programs of Pushkin Institute among educational organizations of the Republic. Also Ana Miskic noted that learning Russian is a tradition not only in her country, but also in her family!
Kweng Phearom, the Assistant of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Cambodia to Russia, while talking with Yuri Kopylov, the Director of the Department of International Cooperation, stressed that this year a record number of students from the Kingdom entered Pushkin Institute, and he is sure that their number will only grow.
Meetings with representatives of embassies ended with a concert dedicated to the International Student Day.
We hope for further cooperation!

On November 24, the opening of the international theater festival “Tochka prityazheniya” took place at the Moscow Drama Theater “Cheloveck”. Its goal is searching for the similarities between cultures of Russia and China.
Pushkin Institute from China attended the opening. They performed guitar songs in Russian and Chinese, folk recitative, and also presented a fashion show “Chinese Costume”. Our students also got acquainted with Vladimir Skvortsov, the chief director of the theater, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and spoke with Maria Zakharova, Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

On November 14, the Federation Council held parliamentary hearings on the topic “State policy in the field of preservation, protection and development of the Russian language: condition, problems and solutions”. They discussed issues of improving legal regulations in terms of state support of the Russian language and intensifying work to improve the language culture and literacy of Russian society.
The main issue was raising the status of Slavic universities in the CIS countries, cooperation between universities, the introduction of new formats of educational programs and the creation of conditions for the promoting the Russian language.
The Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko held the hearings. «Russian has a worldwide significance, great works have been written in it, important discoveries have been made, and the first spoken word in the space was also in Russian», reminded Valentina Ivanovna.
The main report was delivered by the Minister of Education Sergey Kravtsov. He paid special attention to the issues of the Russian language proficiency of migrant children and changes in the order of educational activities, which gives schools the right to check students’ knowledge of the subject.
Pushkin Institute was represented at the hearings by its Rector Natalia Trukhanovskaya, who was accompanied by participants of the international volunteer program “Ambassadors of the Russian Language in the World”. Welcoming the audience, Natalia Sergeevna thanked the ambassadors for their brilliant work and noted the important role of Pushkin Institute as a flagship of educational and enlightening activities: “We are a platform unique in its mission, being both a higher educational institution and a leading center for spreading the Russian language around the world”.
The rector voiced the pain point problems for teaching Russian abroad and offered solutions to them: “Currently we are acting at the same pace. As Alice from Lewis Carroll’s work said, “we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place,” and if we want to keep up with the time, “we must run twice as fast as that. In order to protect the interests of Russia, it is extremely necessary for us today to publish our textbooks in foreign countries!”.
According to Natalia Sergeevna, successful implementation of this task takes joint efforts, creating a common center for making quick and flexible decisions in order to “form a long-term strategy for promoting the Russian language in the world, which we need so much.”
The speech of the Pushkin Institute Rector made a great impression with its relevance and attracted the attention of representatives of the Federation Council.
The hearings were also attended by Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy, member of the Public Chamber Natalia Narochnitskaya, rectors of leading universities in Russia and CIS countries, teachers of secondary schools.
Pictures are available on the website of the Federation Council.

We are kindly asking Pushkin Institute students to read the rules and follow them!

On November 23, the results of the scientific competition “Methodological Science in Traditions and Innovations” were summed up at the Department of Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language at Pushkin Institute.
The winners were Russian and foreign undergraduates:
– Firengiz Gakhramanova (a student of our institute!) “Cluster method of phoneme description as a way to overcome interference in the speech of Azerbaijanis” (scientific supervisor – Nina Rogoznaya, Doctor of Philology, Pushkin Institute Professor)
– Sofya Glushkova “Regional component in teaching RFL (experience of the Altai Territory)” (Altai State Pedagogical University)
– Gohar Antonyan “The role of syntactically indistinguishable sentences in the formation of the communicative competence of Armenian students” (V.Y. Bryusov State University, Yerevan)
– Chao Chenyao “Autosemantic fragments of a literary text in the aspect of teaching foreign speakers to read and linguistic analysis: functions, types, language design (B2/C1)” (Belarusian State University, Minsk)
The winners are given an extraordinary right to publish articles in co-authorship with scientific supervisors in the journal “International PhD Bulletin. The Russian language abroad”. Those who took part in the scientific competition receive electronic certificates.
Congratulations to the winners and participants! We are waiting for you at other events of Pushkin Institute!

On November 24, the Moscow Drama Theater “Cheloveck” will host the opening of the international theater festival “Tochka prityazheniya”. Its goal is searching for the similarities between cultures of Russia and China.
🎶 Students of Pushkin Institute from China will take part in the opening. They will sing in Russian and Chinese, perform Chinese opera and folk recitative, as well as present a fashion show “Chinese Outfit».
💫 The honorary guests of the festival are the heads of the Chinese Embassy in Russia, representatives of the Chinese Media Corporation and Russian media, cultural and art figures of both countries.
💪 We wish our students success!

Dilshodbek Rustamov, the Rector of the Andijan Institute of Foreign Languages (Republic of Uzbekistan), announced the awarding of the high title to the rector of Pushkin Institute.
Dilshodbek Abduvakhidovich noted the accomplishments of Pushkin Institute in general and Natalia Trukhanovskaya personally in preserving the Russian language in the Republic of Uzbekistan, in supporting research projects and grants and expressed hope that the friendship of the two universities will only strengthen.
The cooperation of Pushkin Institute with the Andijan Institute has been going on for more than one year. Much has been done to establish integration after the memorandum “On mutual understanding in research and educational activities in the pedagogical field” was signed a year ago.
Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages is one of the leading universities in Uzbekistan and the entire post–Soviet space, created to train specialists in foreign languages of Uzbekistan in the international education system.
Since its foundation, the university has been conducting various activities to popularize the Russian language. The Russian-Uzbek Educational Forum is among them. Teachers and scientists exchange experience there, agree on the joint development and publication of methodological literature and scientific articles. Representatives of the Andijan Institute also take part in the Kostomarovskyi Forum, the main event of Pushkin Institute and one of the most important events in the world of the modern Russian language.
“I am thankful for trust of my Uzbek colleagues. I will do everything to justify it,” Natalia Sergeevna commented on the awarding of the honorary title. – I am glad to receive such a high assessment of my work. For my part, I wish the teachers and scientists of the Andijan Institute good luck in implementing plans and projects that strengthen the role of the Russian language in Uzbekistan, in the CIS and around the world.”
On November 20, a newscast was released on the Vietnamese TV channel “VTV 4”. One of the plots tells about the Hanoi branch of the Pushkin Institute.
We send greetings to our colleagues!

After Russian and Chinese students met with a representative of the Moscow regional department of the Youth All-Russian public Organization “Russian Students Squads”, the first «Red Panda» student squad was formed in our institute.
There are 18 people in the team. The squad is led by:
– Commander – Ksenia Kamaeva, 1st year student
– Commissioner – Yulia Kiseleva, 2nd year student
– Methodologist – Nelly Khodyreva, 3rd year student
Everyone is welcome to join the squad and participate in social projects and joint work! In order to do this, don’t hesitate to contact leaders of the squad in direct messages in VKontakte.

On October 28 and 29, Beijing Foreign Languages University held the «All-China Russian language competition-2023», arranged with the support of the Ministry of Education of China and the Department of International Cooperation.
392 students from 158 universities of China took part in that event. The competition was held in 3 stages (preliminary round, semi-final and final) in 3 age groups: freshmen, seniors and major degree students.
Anna Babenko, the senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Specialists of Pushkin Institute said: “This event is a major state event, the most prestigious among students studying Russian. The competition is quite serious, so students carefully prepare and aim to achieve high results”.
The winners and prize-winners in the senior age group including students of the Department of Russian as a foreign language who studied in the 2022-2023 academic year are:
The I degree diploma among masters students – Wu Haotian (PRC-major degree)
The II degree among bachelors – Zhao Yilin (PRC-2), Yang Wenxuan (PRC-1), Lu Boyu (PRC-1), Liu Yantong (PRC-6)
The III degree diploma among bachelors – Zheng Qian (PRC-4), Ma Lingwei (PRC-1), Wu Yue (PRC-3), Yang Haozhuo (PRC-3), Cao Yuan (PRC-6), Chen Kejian (PRC-1), Du Yinda (PRC-4), Guo Yifan (PRC-9)
The winners will be able to go to Russia again for an internship or for further studies at universities with the support of the Chinese Scholarship Council.
The winners said their words of appreciation to the professors of the internship department of foreign specialists and shared their happy emotions:
Wu Haotian: “I became the winner! Finally! The work paid off! Thank you very much!”.
Zhao Yilin: “I have the second result among all the participants! I have been learning Russian for 3 years. I am very happy with this result! I think that a year ago my level was worse, but thanks to you I have achieved great success!”.
Zheng Qian: “For me, the prize in the competition is a great honor. Studying at Pushkin Institute really helped to improve my knowledge. This is the best proof of the quality of teaching! I want to express my gratitude to all the teachers of the Department of Studiyng Russian as a foreign language. Studying at Pushkin Institute is a gift of fate! All of us are very proud to call ourselves Pushkin Institute! students”.
Congratulations to our students and professors on a great success!

Dilshodbek Rustamov, the Rector of the Andijan Institute of Foreign Languages (Republic of Uzbekistan), announced the awarding of the high title to the rector of Pushkin Institute.
Dilshodbek Abduvakhidovich noted the accomplishments of Pushkin Institute in general and Natalia Trukhanovskaya personally in preserving the Russian language in the Republic of Uzbekistan, in supporting research projects and grants and expressed hope that the friendship of the two universities will only strengthen.
The cooperation of Pushkin Institute with the Andijan Institute has been going on for more than one year. Much has been done to establish integration after the memorandum “On mutual understanding in research and educational activities in the pedagogical field” was signed a year ago.
Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages is one of the leading universities in Uzbekistan and the entire post–Soviet space, created to train specialists in foreign languages of Uzbekistan in the international education system.
Since its foundation, the university has been conducting various activities to popularize the Russian language. The Russian-Uzbek Educational Forum is among them. Teachers and scientists exchange experience there, agree on the joint development and publication of methodological literature and scientific articles. Representatives of the Andijan Institute also take part in the Kostomarovskyi Forum, the main event of Pushkin Institute and one of the most important events in the world of the modern Russian language.
“I am thankful for trust of my Uzbek colleagues. I will do everything to justify it,” Natalia Sergeevna commented on the awarding of the honorary title. – I am glad to receive such a high assessment of my work. For my part, I wish the teachers and scientists of the Andijan Institute good luck in implementing plans and projects that strengthen the role of the Russian language in Uzbekistan, in the CIS and around the world.”

A youth conference “Intercultural communication in the Commonwealth space: Main tendencies during generational change” will be held in Tashkent from November 22 to 24.
Leading philologists and journalists will talk about pedagogical design, the use of artificial intelligence in teaching, the secrets of Alexander Pushkin’s drafts and linguistics. They will also share techniques on how to “talk to a student” during a Russian language lesson and how to write an interesting text for the media.
Students, journalists, representatives of the scientific community of philologists and linguists aged 18 to 35 from Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan are welcome participate in the conference.
The result of the work will be lessons, tests, checklists and articles that can be used in practice.
To participate on a competitive basis, submit an application by 23:30 on November 10 on the link: https://clck.ru/36EfAL
The list of winners will be published on November 13 on the website of the North-South Political Science Center.
For organizational questions, please contact us by e-mail: pcsu495@gmail.com (in the subject of the letter, specify “Application for the conference”).
The event was arranged by Pushkin Institute in cooperation with the North-South Political Science Center and the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Uzbekistan with the support of the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS member States (IFHC).

The Department of State Youth Policy and Educational Activities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education informs that there is a multi-channel hotline phone number.
1). Legal and social protection security for students of educational institutions of higher education – 8 (800) 222-55-71 (ext. 1). Consultations on:
– Implementing rights in terms of the educational process, passing intermediate and final certification
– Transfer of students between educational organizations, including the case of termination of the license or accreditation
– Payments from the scholarship fund and provision of financial support
– Provision of places in dormitories and the order of accommodation in them
– Educational documents, duplicate documents issue, confirmation of legal force (apostille) and recognition of educational documents obtained in a foreign country (nostrification).
2). Psychological assistance to students – 8 (800) 222- 55-71 (add 2). Consultations on:
– Anxiety
– Problems in personal and family relationships
– Emotional stress during the study period
– Individual psychological difficulties
Take care of yourself!

Bachelor freshman from the Central African Republic, Bati Babylon William Le Second went on internship to the E.D. Stasova International School “Interdom”.
He became a finalist of the “Pedagogical Skills Competition for Russian and foreign students – future teachers of the Russian language abroad” and got the opportunity to teach 6th grade Russian and foreign students the topic “Types of speech”. All participants enjoyed the experience.
“I was very worried, but everything went great! The children greeted me kindly and supported me during the lesson,” said Bati Babylon William Le Second.
Congratulations to the student of our institute and we wish him further success in teaching!
The internship is arranged by the Ministry of Education.

Dmitry Khodanovich is going to visit the Institute on November 15 and perform masterpieces of academic classical music of Russian and foreign composers, as well as compositions for symphony orchestra.
Dmitry Khodanovich is the winner of the international competition «Grand Prix», France. He performed with a solo program in many cities of Russia and abroad. His concerts are usually arranged at the Moscow Conservatory, Memorial Museum of A.N. Skryabin, Moscow International House of Music and at the Festival of Russian Art in Cannes.
Also Dmitry is the Master of Sport of Russia in jiu-jitsu, winner of black belt, master of the 3rd dan, silver and bronze medalist of the Russian championship, champion of Moscow, three-time winner of the Moscow Cup, vice-president of the Moscow Jiu-jitsu Federation.
«I combine concerts and performances on tatami to feel like a well-developed person. There is a constant battle between good and evil inside every one of us. You should always keep balance», – says Dmitry Khodanovich.
The host of the event – Ivan Leonov, Doctor of Philology, professor.
15 November at 4:20
The auditorium
We are waiting for you!

From 24 to 31 October, the pavilion of VDNH «Space and Aviation» hosts an educational week for teachers of Moscow and the Moscow region. This is the project of the Russian society «Knowledge», dedicated to the International exhibition-forum «Russia», which will be opened on November 4, 2023 and will last until April 12, 2024.
The agenda of the educational week:
– to present the achievements of Russia in various fields of economy and science over the last 20 years to teachers
– to teach students how to speak about them
– to show the connection of the school program with the contents of the exhibition
More than 3,500 teachers listen to lectures by opinion leaders on eight subjects (history, Russian language, literature, social science, physics, mathematics, biology, geography) and consider topical issues of education in science, art, socio-humanitarian.
Also, the participants undergo organizational and methodical preparation for conducting lessons-excursions on the topic «Achievements of Russia» within the framework of the upcoming International exhibition-forum «Russia».
Vladimir Medinsky, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Russian Military Historical Society, opened the event with a lecture on history. He spoke to the audience (among whom were not only teachers, but also schoolchildren and students) about the appearance and significance for Russia of such a holiday as National Unity Day, about the events associated with it and the great personalities of the past.
After the lecture, Vladimir Rostislavovich shared information about the new history textbook, noting that it would be “the most verified and scientifically reliable textbook after the Soviet school.” He also stressed the great role and responsibility of the history teacher in the educational process.
The rector of Pushkin Institute, Natalia Trukhanovskaya, also participated in the event, alongside with Russian historian and political scientist Vardan Baghdasaryan, writer and public figure Oleg Roy, Director of the Moscow Education Center No. 109 Evgeny Yamburg, First Deputy Director General of the State Tretyakov Gallery Tatiana Sharshavitskaya and others.
Natalia Trukhanovskaya gave a speech on the topic “How to preserve the Russian language in a rapidly changing world?”. The special attention was paid to understanding what it is necessary to know the Russian language for today. The data of the “Index of global Competitiveness of the Russian language in the world-2023” (9th place in the number of speakers – 255 million people!) show that this is not just a school subject, but a way of uniting and accentuating civic identity of Russians, an instrument of intercultural communication in the CIS, conducting international business and promoting Russia and Russian education in the world.
“Truly mastering the Russian language is the key to our common well-being, as well as the key to the professional career and success of each individual. The better you know your own language, the better you convey your thoughts – then people hear from you exactly what you say. There is a reason for common expression: “It’s not so important what you said, it’s important how you were heard.” In order to be heard correctly, you should have proper communication skills, and for this you need an excellent knowledge of the Russian language,” said Natalia Truhanovskaya. “And excellent knowledge begins with high–quality teaching at school.”
The speech of the rector of Pushkin Institute was listened with interest by the pedagogical audience. Natalia Sergeevna answered the teachers’ questions and wished them success in their professional activities, competent and responsive students.

High school students of foreign schools are welcome to participate in the XIX International Russian Language Olympiad, including those, who study in Russian, as well as individual participants under the age of 18.
The Olympiad is held in two competitive areas:
– for high school students studying Russian as a foreign language
– for high school students who study in Russian
Format: online
In order to participate, you should register on the website “Education in Russian” by November 12. After registration, participants will receive access to their personal account.
The qualifying stage of the Olympiad will be held until November 26, the final one – until December 22. The finalists will perform creative tasks according to the competition direction they chose during registration.
Working language of the Olympiad: Russian
To verify the work of the participants, judges team is formed with the staff of Pushkin Institute – leading specialists in the field of teaching Russian as a foreign language, Russian as a non-native language and regional studies of Russia.
Winners of the Olympics receive prizes:
1st place: diploma, providing the right to study in Pushkin Institute for one month under the programs of additional education for free (within one year of receiving it)
2nd place: diploma, providing the right to study in Pushkin Institute for one month under Summer School programs
3rd place: diploma, providing the right to be tested in the Russian language for free in order to determine the level of proficiency in Russian at Pushkin Institute (within a year of receiving it)
Information on the dates, order and form of the Olympiad, as well as all tasks, competitive lists and marks will be posted on the website «Education in Russian».
The Olympiad is arranged by Pushkin Institute in cooperation with the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (МАПРЯЛ).

On 1 November, our Chinese students spent the evening playing basketball on the upgraded sports ground since the weather was perfect for outdoor activities.
Visiting rules are available here.
A sound mind in a sound body!

Pushkin Institute held a solemn initiation of freshmen. They officially became students.
The participants went through the adventure game in the world of villains and sorcerers. They managed to reveal the secret of the mysterious fourth auditorium! In order achieve that, it was necessary to answer the questions of a crazy fortune-teller, a dead bride, a drowned woman and a notsnitsa, the night demon, defeat Scylla and Charybdis and find Ariadne’s thread. After the adventures, this brave squad took the oath of a student.
The event ended with the first disco of the year.
Another test for freshmen turned out to be horror stories – dressing up as famous monsters. Everyone chose the role to their liking, but all of them were horribly beautiful.
Congratulations and thanks for participating!

Another meeting of schoolchildren, their parents and teachers with foreign students of our institute took place on October 27. This time the guests were welcomed by representatives of Turkey and Mozambique.
Students spoke about the nature of Southeast Africa, its cuisine and literature. They also introduced the history, music and dance traditions of Turkey to the participants.
There were workshops dedicated to Portuguese and Turkish, languages spoken in these countries.
Cultural and educational festival «Horizons of friendship: meeting point – Volgina st, 6» has been an ongoing event at Pushkin Institute for more than 15 years. Foreign students were always taking part in it.
Keep up-to-date with our event announcements!

On October 26, Chinese students of Pushkin Institute visited the State Museum of Oriental Art. All 30 students truly felt the connection with the homeland there.
The Hall of History and Culture of China attracted the greatest interest of the group. Its collection is the largest in the museum – it has more than 20 thousand items! There you can find clothes of noblemen, unique porcelain, lacquer miniatures, objects made of bone with the finest carving and more.
Also, Chinese students visited the exhibition «Oriental Bazaar» and halls, which represent the art of ancient Japan, Korea, India and Iran.
Excursion activities at the Institute are to be continued. We invite all students to participate!
Don’t hesitate to contact Rose Nazifovna Grosheva by e-mail: RNGrosheva@pushkin.institute

The first meeting of the club will be dedicated to the pronunciation of the sounds /ɪ/ – /i:/.
The event will be held by Olga Vostrikova, the associate professor of social and humanitarian disciplines.
November 7 at 4:20 pm
420 auditorium (4th floor)
You are welcome to join the meeting!

Pushkin Institute students are welcome to meet the Moscow Regional Office of the Russian Public Organization «Russian Student Squads» («MosRSS») representatives.
The participants of the meeting will get acquainted with all activities of the largest youth community in Russia and will witness the creation of the first student squad in our institute.
«MosRSS» provides both permanent and temporary employment for students and teenagers, it is engaged in socially significant activities, as well as develops creative and sports potential of young people.
Student squad is a form of organizing students’ spare time to implement a socially useful program in various directions (pedagogics, agriculture, constructing, rescue service, guiding, etc.).
2 November at 4.30 pm
Academic Council Hall (1st floor)
Check-in form is available here: https://clck.ru/36DNnd
We’re waiting for you!

Different events have been held since 16th to 20th of October.
The program included 15 lectures, 6 workshops, 4 speaking clubs, 3 quizes, a film screening and special events from the speakers. During 5 days of the fest students and guests of the institute have been solving linguistic problems and expanded their knowledge of foreign languages.
The participants were participating in language adventure games. On the final day, the main prize was awarded to those who passed the all quests entirely.
The festival covered 20 languages – from Indonesian and Irish to French and German.
Thanks to all participants of our festival for linguistic diversity!

According to the results of the research «Global aggregate rating-2024» our institute entered the top 10% of the best universities of the planet. It is one of the 2500 authoritative universities worldwide.
One of the goals of the creators of this rating is to understand the place and role of higher education institutions in their country in international educational processes, taking into account local features of education.
The global ranking demonstrates the comparability of inherently diverse and unequal systems to obtain an objective picture. It includes a classification of higher education organizations ranked by 13 ratings and one public database.
The detailed information about methods of ranking is available here: https://clck.ru/36F3ir
Congratulations to scientists, professors and students of the Institute on this great achievement!

On October 27, the grand opening of the 22nd season of the Russian language courses at the Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Research and Technology Center took place in Hanoi.
Georgy Pokrovsky, the teacher of Russian as a foreign language, took part in the event along with other Pushkin Institute representatives. Georgy Borisovich highly appreciated the attitude of the Center towards the educational process, and also pointed out that the professors of the Institute are always ready to help Vietnamese students in mastering the Russian language.
We also remind you that the professors of Pushkin Institute recently arrived in Vietnam. Within a few months, they will introduce the peculiarities of the Russian language and Russian culture to students, as well as conduct a series of workshops for teachers. The modern methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language will be presented there.

On October 20, the rector of Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Natalia Trukhanovskaya, met with our Bahraini colleagues. Our institute was also represented by Natalia Grendo, the Vice-Rector for International Affairs, and Ekaterina Atrashkevich, the Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation.
The Chairman of the Bahrain Association for Russian Speakers (BARS), Yousif Zainal, and Mussa Adel, the CEO of the informational website «All Russia» attended the meeting. The BARS has been successfully functioning since 2013.
The participants discussed issues of cooperation, noting the need to open Russian language courses in Bahrain universities and provide methodological support for Bahraini specialists in Russian.
Due to the active development of economic and cultural relations between Russia and the Middle East, the participants of the meeting paid special attention to the aspect of studying Arabic at Pushkin Institute.
The Bahraini guests were especially interested in the information about the Summer School of our Institute and the possibility of restarting the program “Ambassadors of the Russian Language in the World” in Bahrain, which was successfully implemented in 2016 and 2017.
We are looking forward to fruitful cooperation!

Yoga is not only a physical practice, but a spiritual one too. Bringing balance into the body and the mind is the goal that is achieved by doing breathing exercises and various asanas.
Classes are useful for everyone – some will find opportunities for physical improvement or ways to relieve tension, others will work on hurting areas of the body. Also yoga opens new facets of the world! It is a wonderful tool for self–discovery.
The Classes have been available on a regular basis since September. In order to join group classes, you need to sign up. Please contact the head of it, Anna Borzenkova.
Monday, Thursday at 7:00PM
Large or small sports hall (1st floor)
We are waiting for you!

On October 20, our Institute was presented to the audience of the Russian House in Hanoi.
The Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation, Ekaterina Atrashkevich, and the 3rd year student of the Philological Faculty, Tran Phuc Truong, participated in the event. They presented educational programs to Vietnamese students and spoke about peculiarities of student life.
Also, Ekaterina Alexandrovna shared information about upcoming events dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Hanoi branch of Pushkin Institute, and what kind of events are expected there in November.
Future Vietnamese applicants have been actively asking questions and also they showed special interest in the possibilities of admission to the Moscow institute.
At the moment, professors of Pushkin Institute are in Vietnam. Soon the volunteers of the program “Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world” will join them.
We are waiting for future Vietnamese students at our institute!

On October 19, a solemn ceremony of signing The Cooperation Agreement between Pushkin Institute and the Yangon University of Foreign Languages was held online.
Our institute was represented by the Rector, Natalia Trukhanovskaya, the Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Natalia Grendo, the Director of the Department of International Cooperation, Yuri Kopylov, and the Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility, Elena Sivryuk.
Participants congratulated each other on the conclusion of the agreement and discussed plans for further cooperation: exchange of experience and participation in scientific and educational projects.
Natalia Sergeevna invited colleagues from Myanmar to take part in an international research conference in Hanoi, arranged by our institute in cooperation with the Hanoi branch of Pushkin Institute. The conference will be taking place from November 30 to December 1, 2023.
The Vice-Rector, the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Yangon University Myint Maw expressed particular interest in participating in this program, as well as in cooperation with the international volunteer program “Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world”.
Follow our news!

On October 29, Anna Iosifova, a 2nd year master’s student in the direction “Russian as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Communication”, will go on an internship at International school “Interdom” named after E.D. Stasova.
Anna qualified for the second stage of the All-Russian “Pedagogical skills competition for Russian and foreign students – future teachers of the Russian language abroad” and will now participate in master classes and conduct lessons for schoolchildren from Syria and the CIS countries.
The winners of the second stage will participate in the final conference, at which the final results of the entire competition will be announced.
Let’s wish Anna victory and good luck in comments!
Internship was organized by the Ministry of Education.

Students of our institute advanced to the 2nd round of the festival “Reading the classics in the Tretyakov Gallery”.
Artistic and poetic show organized by Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute , started in early October. It is attended by students of creative and humanitarian universities in Russia and the CIS countries – future performers, directors, musicians, artists, teachers, philologists, historians, linguists.
According to the results of the 1st correspondence round, held in video format, 7 students of Pushkin Institute advanced to the 2nd round – Victoria Alfeeva,
Eva Zhirnova, Tatyana Kulbitskaya, Khrisoula Kushchidi, Denis Lunev, Alena Omelina, Anastasia Fedorova. They study with teachers of the Doctor of Philology Larisa Selezneva, and candidate of philological sciences Tatiana Mochalova.
The 2nd round will take place in person on November 15 in the Lecture Hall of the Engineering Building of the Tretyakov Gallery. Our students will compete for victory in two categories: “Golden Age and Silver Age of Russian Literature” (from 19th century to 1940s) and “Soviet Period” (from 1940s to 1980s).
The contestants will be assessed by teachers of the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute and invited experts in the field of art history, philology and pedagogy.
The closing of the Festival and awarding of the laureates will take place on November 16.
We wish good luck to our competitors!

On October 23, at Jawaharlal Nehru University the trip of volunteers of the program “Ambassadors of the Russian language” to India solemnly ended
in Delhi with online connection from Pushkin Institute.
From the Indian side, the event was attended by schoolchildren and representatives of Women’s University, Bluebells International School, Jamia Millia Islamia University and others. Pushkin Institute was represented by rector Natalia Trukhanovskaya, Director of the Center for External Communications and Youth Program Development Svetlana Ulyanova and Director of the Development and Project Management Department Yulia Karmanova, as well as Ambassadors of the Russian language Ksenia Pautova and Gulnaz Mardanova.
Natalia greeted the participants and thanked the host for the warm welcome: “Thank you for this intercultural dialogue! We are completing our first expedition to India, but we are opening a tradition of regular trips to this republic. We will come again in December.”
Svetlana Ulyanova noted unprecedented effectiveness of the expedition: “We broke our own record: for the first time, more than 400 participants from 7 educational institutions, from 3 regions gathered in one place! The Russian language ambassadors not only taught a huge number of lessons, but also became imbued with Indian culture.”
“Today is a unique opportunity to pass the baton to the ambassadors of the Russian language in Vietnam,” added Yulia Karmanova.
Ksenia and Gulnaz spoke enthusiastically about the experience: “It was a month of lessons, dancing, songs, fun. We talked, drew, and read Russian literature. Indian students and schoolchildren happily accepted our ideas. We hope that our communication will not end there!”.
In response, Ksenia and Gulnaz’s students sincerely thanked them for interesting interactive lessons, promoting the Russian language and strengthening international relations.
At the end of the meeting, the volunteers, together with their students, sang the song “Orange Sky”.
The expedition was organized with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Participants were divided into groups according to the results of auditions, which were held on October 17 and 19.
Now there will be weekly rehearsals with the head of the choir Konstantin Mikhailov every Tuesday and Thursday at 4.30PM.
You still can join the choir!
Don’t hesitate to contact Konstantin Konstantinovich for individual audition (https://vk.com/litinstitutru) via phone: +7 920 950 57 34

On October 18, a live broadcast was held with the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Serbia.
PhD student of the 1st year Vukashin Gavrich gave a speech with the slide-show about Pushkin Institute and shared his experience of life in Russia. Also he answered questions from the audience.
Ivan Leonov, the Deputy Dean of the Philology Faculty, spoke about the opportunities of taking our Master’s course. Anastasia Pishalchenko, the specialist of the Center of Additional Education shared with the audience the information about programs for teachers their Center can offer.
The students of University of Belgrade, our long-time partner, joined the live broadcast. Serbian students have shown interest in studying at Pushkin Institute and taking the Master’s course. Some of them have already expressed their availability to join the Summer School of our Institute and improve their Russian language proficiency.
We are waiting for Serbian students in Pushkin Institute!
Don’t miss the lecture “October 19. The opening Day of the Imperial Lyceum”, dedicated to the Lyceum Student’s Day.
The speaker is Elmira Afanasyeva, Doctor of Philology and Chief Researcher of Pushkin Institute.
October 19 is an important date of Pushkin calendar, because it’s the day of the grand opening of the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. The event took place in 1811. The first students of the privileged educational institution were 30 young men who passed serious entrance tests. 12-year-old Alexander Pushkin was among them. Thanks to him, the “lyceum cherished day”, admiration of the lyceum friendship and the memory of teachers have become important for the Russian culture.
Video is available here: https://clck.ru/3696HV
Enjoy watching!

On October 16, Rector of Pushkin Institute Natalia Sergeyevna Trukhanovskaya took part in the episode of «Time of reading». She answered the questions of the headliner Irina Ryzhova.
The rector reminded that the year was declared as the Year of Russian Language in The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the Year of Teacher and Mentor. «During this period there were many scientific, educational and enlightening events, the main topic of which was the Russian language as a means of intercultural communication in the post-Soviet space», – said Natalia Sergeyevna.
The key event of the year was the Third Kostomarovskyi Forum. It was held at our Institute in May and was dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. The Forum confirmed the high international status, bringing together many participants from CIS countries.
The rector spoke in detail about the program “Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world”, which is being successfully implemented by the Institute. It is aimed at strengthening the position of the Russian language globally. This year the project has broaden its travelling horizons: the ambassadors have set foot on the soil of Cuba.
Keeping the tradition of the show, Natalia Sergeevna read an excerpt from the book at the end of the episode. She chose the most famous collection of works written by the English author James Herriot which is “All creatures, big and small”.
«Time of reading» is a project of Pushkin Institute and «Mosrazvitiye». Meetings are held once in two weeks online on the page «Libraries of Moscow» in «VKontakte».
Video is available here: https://clck.ru/368Ke5
Enjoy watching!

On October 17, the Pushkin Russian Office was solemnly opened in Abidjan. It was founded by the University of Efrat and the Shareau Foundation.
Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Côte d’Ivoire Alexey Saltykov welcomed the participants. He stressed that our countries have trade and economic relations, as well as cooperation in the field of education. The ambassador noted the huge cultural potential of the Russian language, studying of which will now be available to residents of the African Republic.
Pushkin Institute was represented at the event by Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation Ekaterina Atrashkevich and Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility Elena Sivriuk. They congratulated colleagues on behalf of the rector of the Pushkin Institute Natalia Trukhanovskaya and conveyed her words that this event «will not only strengthen further Russian-African humanitarian cooperation, but will also become the basis for the implementation of professional activities in the field of teaching and learning Russian language and culture». Representatives of our institute also spoke about the educational programs of the university.
Also we’d like to remind that this summer Pushkin Institute held its first meeting with a representative of the University of Efrat and the Shareau Foundation.
Follow our news!

The first meeting of the new Student Council’s club of our Institute was held on October 13.
Foreign and Russian students got acquainted with each other and shared their interests – favourite music, literature and the Russian language.
Stay up-to-date on our news so you don’t miss your next meeting!

On October 13, representatives of the admission campaign of our institute visited school №534. This educational institution is the winner of the “School of New Technologies” competition and the prize-winner of the “Social Partnership Territory” competition, as well as the multiple grant winner from the President and Moscow Mayor.
The high school students listened to a lecture about admission to Pushkin Institute, student life, institute projects and scientific prospects of studies.
We are waiting for new applicants!

On October 27, our institute will host the cultural and educational festival «Horizons of friendship: the venue – Volgina st, 6».
Students from Turkey and the African national team (Congo, Mozambique, Central African Republic) will be participating in the event.
Content of the event:
– Meeting with students from Turkey and Africa
– Presentations about the culture and traditions of the participating countries
– Dances and musical pieces
– Master classes for schoolchildren: «Speaking Turkish», «Riddles of Sunny Africa» (students’ choice)
You are welcome to participate in the festival of schoolchildren along with teachers or parents.
You are welcome to send applications for participation here: usubboty@rambler.ru or ISLeonov@pushkin.institute until October 25.
The application should include:
1) The name of the educational organization
2) Full name of a participant, their position, contacts of the team leader
3) Number of students and accompanying staff
Representatives of the organizing committee of the project will be waiting at the entrance of the Institute from 3.30 pm.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the project manager Ivan Leonov via phone +7 (962) 915-60-22 or e-mail ISLeonov@pushkin.institute.
October 27 at 4:30 pm
We’re waiting for you!

Vice Dean of the Philology Faculty Ivan Leonov will talk about the studies at the Institute, the features of educational programs, the profession of philologist and preparation courses opportunities for schoolchildren passing State Exams.
Our institute students will share information about youth policy, student council and events, which Pushkin Institute holds.
October 21 at 12:30
6, Akademika Volgina Street, Moscow
Please fill in the registration form here, it’s necessary for participating: https://clck.ru/367c22
Follow our Telegram channel «Enroll Pushkin Institute»: https://clck.ru/33mnvb
We are waiting for you!

The report on the trip of volunteers of the program “Ambassadors of the Russian Language in the World” to India was released by the YouTube channel “Time of the Russian World”.
The participants of the international program have been holding lessons for schoolchildren and students for 4 weeks.
Video is available here: https://clck.ru/366sWh
Enjoy viewing!

The volunteers of the program “Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world” continue their work in Delhi.
Last week they held several interactive lectures on Russian culture for students of various fields of study at Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Etiquette phrases, colours, as well as Russian crafts – Gzhel and Khokhloma – became the main topics of the lessons. Moreover, all classes were in Russian.
Indian students were looking at bright patterns with interest. Participants were discussing the details of the images and tried to draw them themselves.
Ksenia Pautova and Gulnaz Mardanova also spoke about Russian folk instruments and turned on records of their sound.
The students shared their knowledge about Indian folk music and played the song “Valenki” on spoons.
Keeping the tradition, volunteers gave “Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world” souvenirs to participants.
The expedition was arranged by Pushkin Institute with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The first meeting of the participants of the scientific and practical workshop «School of RFL teachers 2023-2024» on October 19.
This year’s series of events will be opened by the lecture “Verbs of Movement in RFL classes”. It will be concerning the problems of semantics of verbs of movement at the A2 level and above.
Svetlana Persyanova will be the lecturer – she is the Dean of the RFL Education, PhD in Philology and an Associate Professor of Pushkin Institute. The expert will talk about the difficulties that students have in studying verbs of movement, and about methodological techniques and manuals that will help teachers guide students through one of the most difficult topics of Russian grammar.
October 19 at 3PM
The meeting will be held online (live on YouTube). You are welcome to ask questions and exchange opinions in chat during the lecture.
Registration form, timetable and link to lectures can be found on the project website: https://click.ru/366kJt
Please feel free to contact the project coordinator Darya Truhanova +79269407939 (Telegram or WhatsApp).

On October 10, Elena Krechina, the winner of the competition «Master of Russian Language-2023», held a lesson/adventure game in Amman, representing our institute. Her class was called «Journey through Russia».
During the lesson, the participants, philology students, went on a virtual journey from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. Their task was to reach their final destination as quickly as possible, solving grammatical and phonetic problems also competing in linguistic games. The game ended with presentation of the commemorative awards including the awards of Pushkin Institute.
Elena and her colleagues also held various master classes in Jordan, lessons for bilingual children and for adults learning Russian.
The event was arranged with the support of the Russian House in Amman.

On October 6, Pushkin Institute master’s degree student Elisaveta Bashkina gave a lecture on Russian culture at the Yüce Kolej Language School in Ankara.
Elizaveta won the contest «Master of Russian Language 2023» and currently she is undergoing an internship in the capital of Turkey. She teaches Russian as a foreign language and works with bilingual children, conducts private lessons and speaking clubs for students. Also participating in cultural and educational projects is a very important part of her life.
The event was dedicated to The Day of the Russian Culture and was supported by Russian House in Turkey.

The director is a graduate of the Popov Choir Arts Academy, winner of international choral competitions and the Grand Prix of the International Choral Competition Konstantin Mikhailov. Creative plans: concerts at the Institute and at venues of Moscow participating in competitions and festivals song recordings trips, tours We invite students of our institute to choir audition! October 17 and 19 at 16:30 Assembly hall Pre-registration – in a personal message to Konstantin Mikhailov or by phone +7 920 950 57 34 In the message, you need to write: age faculty and group number music education (yes/no) phone number We are waiting for you in our choir! #PushkinInstitute

On November 14, a competition of scientific works on the topic “Methodological science in traditions and innovations” will take place on the basis of the Department of Teaching Russian as a Foreign language. Russian and foreign students who study under the master’s programmes “Russian as a foreign language and intercultural communication” and “Russian language in multicultural environment” can participate. Students should present theses of their scientific work on an issue in sphere of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Each participant can present only one scientific work in which he is the author or coauthor. It is not prohibited to present works, prepared by a team of students (no more than 3 people) under the guidance of supervisor. Winners will get a special right on publication of articles co-authored with supervisors in the journal “International Postgraduate Bulletin. Russian language abroad”. All participants will be awarded certificates. For participation you need to fill out the form: clck.ru/363Rxk You can send theses until November 13 inclusive to the coordinator of the competition Yulia Naumenko by email: YUMNaumenko@pushkin.institute or yulianaum@yandex.ru. If you have any questions, write to the same email addresses. Results of the competition will be published on November 23. Don’t miss the chance to delve into scientific life of the institute! #PushkinInstitute

On the 5th of October, students of our institute gathered to play basketball, volleyball and badminton in the courtyard.
🔑 You can spend there your free time too! In order to get a key for the playground put your signature in the application form at the security desk!
📋 Learn more about the visiting rules in this post.

On the 5th of October, Pushkin Institute’s students from China visited the Moscow Drama Theater “Сheloveck”, where they saw the play “Save Lenka” directed by Vladislav Skvortsov and based on the play by Malika Ikramova.
After the performance students explored Moscow by night.

In October 5, a live broadcast with Russian Embassy in Slovakia and Russian Center for Science and Culture in Vienna took place within the framework of the quota campaign for recruiting applicants.
Representatives of Pushkin Institute spoke about educational programs and educational projects of the university, emphasized the advantages of online learning on the portal “Education in Russian”, and also shared the features of student life.
Everyone was invited to join the project “RFL Teacher School”, where experts share materials for RFL teachers.
The event was attended by Director of Development and Project Management Department Yulia Karmanova, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation Ekaterina Atrashkevich, Deputy Dean for Research Daria Trukhanova and Specialist of the Center for Further Education Anastasia Pishchalchenko.
We are waiting for applicants from Austria and Slovakia!

In October 5, Teacher’s Day was celebrated at school at the Russian embassy in Vietnam. Russian teachers from Hanoi branch of Pushkin Institute were also invited.
Gennady Bezdetko, Russian Ambassador to Vietnam congratulated teachers on their professional holiday.
In this post we wrote about teachers of Pushkin Institute who arrived in Vietnam to acquaint Vietnamese students with intricacies of the Russian language and peculiarities of Russian culture.

On September 30, a meeting of rector of Azerbaijan University of Languages, Kamal Abdullaev, and Ekaterina Atrashkevich, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation at Pushkin Institute took place in Baku.
At the meeting they discussed joint activities of educational organizations, the possibility of opening a Russian language testing center in Azerbaijan and organizing internships.
The parties look forward for long and fruitful cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of teaching RFL.
Follow our news!

The first stage of the joint project of our institute, University of Havana and educational TV channel ICRT has been completed: it was launched in September this year. The first 12 episodes of the educational program “Russian Language on TV” for beginners learning Russian in Cuba have been filmed.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Internship of Foreign Specialists Elizaveta Golovakha and students from University of Havana participated in filming.
It is planned to record 12 lessons for level A0 and 24 lessons for each subsequent level.

On September 29 and 30, an exhibition-fair about education in Russia was held at the Russian House (representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in New Delhi).
The event was dedicated to recruitment of Indian students under the Russian government quota to universities of Russia for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Opening remarks were made by Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo Pavel Shevtsov: “Relations between Russia and India are actively developing, especially in the field of education. Today’s exhibition, of course, symbolizes this. It is the first exhibition of such scale, but I am sure that we are forming a long-term tradition. Guys who will come to get acquainted with it will learn a lot about leading universities of Russia and opportunities to study there. I thank our partners for their assistance in organizing and holding the event. I wish success to our institutes!”
Representatives from Pushkin Institute took part in the exhibition: Svetlana Ulyanova, Director of the Center for External Communications and Development of International Youth Programs, and “Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world”, Ksenia Pautova, graduate of Pushkin Institute, and Gulnaz Mardanova.
Activities of Russian language ambassadors in India continue. Over the course of a month, volunteers will conduct classes for Indian schoolchildren and students. Also, program participants will go on a friendly visit to Jai Narain Vyas University.
The expedition of Russian language ambassadors is supported by Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Follow our news!

The subscription comprises:
– unlimited access to the club;
– 1 trial training with a trainer;
– 1 massage session;
– all group workouts according to the schedule (functional, strength, dance, step, cross-fit, boxing);
– hammam (separate);
– access to all areas of the club (gym, separate boxing and cross-training areas, warm-up/hitch room and circular training);
– 4 guest visits for friends.
The fitness club provides a wardrobe for outerwear, coolers with cold and hot water, a solarium, safe deposit boxes, shower gel and hair dryers in the showers.
When applying for a subscription, students are obliged to present a student ID, and employees should present a pass to the Pushkin Institute.
A unique subscription offer is valid at the Gym-Gym fitness club at 104 Profsoyuznaya Street, Belyaevo metro station.
See you fit and healthy!

Dear colleagues, we invite you to protect yourself, your relatives and get vaccinated against the flu.
Vaccine: “SOVIGRIP®” is a well-tolerated trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine. Its composition is updated annually in strict accordance with WHO recommendations.
The vaccination is highly advised for:
– people over 60 years old;
– those who often suffer from acute respiratory viral infections;
– those suffering from chronic somatic diseases;
– persons who are in contact with a wide social circle.
– Allergy to chicken protein;
– Signs of SARS.
You will need a passport and a health insurance policy.
October 4 from 9:00 to 12:00
Medical center premises, 1st floor of the dormitory
Take care of yourself!

An expedition of the international volunteer program “Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world” to India started today.
With organizational and information support of Jawaharlal Nehru University, volunteers will have been conducting classes for students and schoolchildren of partner educational organizations for 4 weeks. The ambassadors will also visit Jay Narain Vyas University, where the program will be presented.
The lessons were developed by methodologists of Pushkin Institute and take into account different levels of Russian language proficiency. They are aimed at developing interest in the Russian language and culture and are held in the form of games, master classes, quests and creative tasks.
International volunteer program “Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world” has been implemented by Pushkin Institute since 2015 with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Over 8 years, more than 48,000 schoolchildren and students from Russia and foreign countries took part in the ambassadors’ educational events.
Information partners of the expedition: international network TV BRICS, edition “Eurasia today”.

On September 25, a delegation from the Republic of Cuba represented by the Advisor for Education and Science of the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in the Russian Federation Gustavo Cobreiro Suarez and first vice-rector of University of Havana Marian Hernandez visited Pushkin Institute.
“Historically, University of Havana has been our good partner. Today we would like to discuss our joint plans and agree on their implementation. We welcome new ideas and dialogue”, — greeted the guests Vice-Rector for Development and Digitalization of Education of Pushkin Institute Dina Gorbatova.
The meeting was also attended by Director of the International Cooperation Department Yuri Kopylov, his deputy Ekaterina Atrashkevich, Director of the Center for Continuing Education Maria Kharlamova, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language Anna Makarova, Head of the Office of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility Elena Sivryuk.
The parties discussed joint projects and agreed on internships for students and teachers at Pushkin Institute, as well as on holding a Russian language Olympiad for Cuban schoolchildren, students and teachers, dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Pushkin.
Also Marian Hernadez on behalf of the teachers of the University of Havana, who completed an internship within the walls of our institute in August of this year, thanked our institute for warm welcome and emphasized that the university is ready to develop a mutually beneficial partnership.

Opening hours:
Monday — Friday
‣ from 7 am to 9 am
‣ from 8 pm tо 11 pm
Saturday — Sunday
‣ from 7:00 am to 11 pm (for self-training and sport events of the student council)
A student can get a key at the institute’s security post by showing a student ID and registering in the journal.
In the sports ground you can practice only in sports clothes and shoes.
A visitor who got the keys is financially responsible for losing it or deliberately damaging the sports ground.
Before starting practice, check the equipment of the sports ground. If you find any defects, inform the security, if not, feel free to start training.
Be careful during training. The administration of the Institute is not responsible for injuries sustained during self-practice!
It is also strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, smoke and litter on the sports ground. Be polite to each other.
Have a good workout!

On September 21-22 at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University passed V Forum of University Rectors of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Cuba, dedicated to strengthening academic ties between countries and expanding project activities in the field of teaching Russian as a foreign language.
The Cuban delegation included representatives of the country’s leading universities: University of Havana and University of Pedagogical Sciences named after Enrique Jose Varona.
At the forum, Pushkin Institute was represented by Rector of Pushkin Institute Natalia Trukhanovskaya, Vice-Rector for International Affairs Natalia Grendo and Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation Ekaterina Atrashkevich.
The rector made a report on the role of the Russian language as a tool for competitiveness in the labor market. She also spoke about plans for the first expedition of the international volunteer program “Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world” in Cuba during 4 weeks, supported by University of Havana.
We remind you that the first season of the new TV show “Russian Language on TV” is being filmed in the Republic of Cuba with participation of teachers and students of our institute. We look forward for the first releases!

Zhao Huihui, Member of Pushkin Institute Dormitory Council, as well as students from China attended the opening of the exhibition in honor of the 65th anniversary of the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Sergei Andriyaka, which takes place in the museum and exhibition complex of the Russian Academy of Arts.
Students were amazed by realistic painting technique. They were surprised to learn that the master painted most of his paintings from memory.

Natalia Trukhanovskaya became a speaker of the “Caspian Media Forum – 2023”, and also moderated the session “New mechanisms for promoting the Russian language as a tool of interethnic communication.” The Rector explained why the Russian language is needed today and what Pushkin Institute is doing to promote it in the world.
Natalia Trukhanovskaya named the main reasons to study the Russian language: high-quality Russian education, competitiveness in the labor market, opportunity to engage in science and business in the international space, and also to transmit traditional spiritual and moral values.
The Institute’s work to promote the Russian language includes:
– teaching and supporting the Russian language abroad;
– teaching Russian as a foreign and non-native language at the institute itself;
– training of Russian philologists and scientific projects;
– advanced training and professional retraining programs;
– testing in the Russian language, history and legislation of Russia;
– educational and enlightenment projects.
The Rector also gave interviews to a number of media outlets, including TV channels “Astrakhan 24”,“Russia 24 – Astrakhan” and “Vestnik Kavkaza”. Natalia Trukhanovskaya discussed the preservation of high status of the Russian language in the international arena, borrowing of words from other languages, spoke about the projects of Pushkin Institute and the role of universities in intercultural dialogue. We will reveal details of the conversation later – stay tuned for updates!

The subscription comprises:
– unlimited access to the club;
– 1 trial training with a trainer;
– 1 massage session;
– all group workouts according to the schedule (functional, strength, dance, step, cross-fit, boxing);
– hammam (separate);
– access to all areas of the club (gym, separate boxing and cross-training areas, warm-up/hitch room and circular training);
– 4 guest visits for friends.
The fitness club provides a wardrobe for outerwear, coolers with cold and hot water, a solarium, safe deposit boxes, shower gel and hair dryers in the showers.
When applying for a subscription, students are obliged to present a student ID, and employees should present a pass to the Pushkin Institute.
A unique subscription offer is valid at the Gym-Gym fitness club at 104 Profsoyuznaya Street, Belyaevo metro station.
See you fit and healthy!

On september 22 we invite you to our cozy meeting where we will play board games and talk with each other. We are going to detect the mafia and try to outwit everyone in UNO!
On september 22 (Friday) at 16:15
On the 12th floor of the dormitory
We are waiting for all the students! Please, take tea and sweets if you can!

At the 15th Congress of MAPRYAL, a panel discussion “Content of teaching the Russian language: how to respond to social orders” took place. A report on the Russian language as an effective tool for competitiveness in the labor market was made by Rector of Pushkin Institute Natalia Trukhanovskaya.
The rector explained why in the modern world you need to know the Russian language at a high level. Schoolchildren are no longer impressed by stories that this is the language of great writers – they can be offered an alternative and real factor in influencing their future.
For example, the Russian language will allow entrepreneurs from CIS countries to enter the markets of Russia and neighboring countries. For young people in our country, a good knowledge of the Russian language will be useful when finding a job: language and speech literacy are on the list of requirements for a wide variety of vacancies – even where higher education is not required.
“When we talk to young people, we say: “The Russian language is what is really important for your life.” – At the same time, we always emphasize that not only language literacy is important, but also speech literacy – that is, the ability to speak correctly in a specific situation. Anyone who speaks a language at a high level receives an undeniable competitive advantage in the future.”– noted Natalia Trukhanovskaya.
Recording of the panel discussion – link.

The ideological inspirer and first general secretary, and then president of the association was academician Vitaly Kostomarov — the founder and first rector of Pushkin Institute. In memory of him, the department of scientific activities opened the exhibition “Academician Kostomarov – half a century with MAPRYAL.”
Seven employees of the institute will be the heads of sections and round tables of the congress. The event will conclude with the General Assembly of MAPRYAL, at which the president of the association, vice-presidents and members of the presidium will be elected.
In addition to the opening ceremony and plenary session, the first discussions are taking place today. The round table “Lessons from digital lockdown: how has the practice of teaching the Russian language changed?” was moderated by Maria Lebedeva, Head of the Laboratory of Cognitive and Linguistic Research of Pushkin Institute.
Tomorrow there will be a meeting in the direction: “Modern Russian language: sociolinguistic aspects of research” – its chairman will be Svetlana Kamysheva, Head of the Center for Language Policy and International Education of Pushkin Institute.
A meeting in the direction of “Russian literature in the world literary process: history and modernity” will be led by Alexander Pashkov, Head of the Department of World Literature of Pushkin Institute.
In addition, the heads of a meeting in the direction of “Methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign, native and non-native language” will be Natalia Bozhenkova, Professor of the Department of General and Russian Linguistics, and Elkhan Azimov, Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language, and in the direction of “Methods of teaching Russian literature: theory and practice” – professor of Pushkin Institute Natalia Kulibina.
In the discussion will also participate Natalia Trukhanovskaya, Rector of Pushkin Institute, and Andrey Shcherbakov, Director of the Department of Scientific Activities.
We wish our colleagues interesting reports and fruitful discussions!

On September 13, our institute met guests led by Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nigeria Charles Arizechukwu Igwe. The meeting was attended by Director of the Department of International Cooperation Yuri Kopylov, his deputy Ekaterina Atrashkevich, Director of the Center for External Communications and Youth Program Development Svetlana Ulyanova, Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility Elena Sivryuk and her deputy Victoria Shibaeva.
The parties discussed promising options for cooperation and new projects, including the opening of the Russian language learning and testing center “Pushkin Institute” at the University of Nigeria. Svetlana Ulyanova also spoke about the possibilities of implementing the program “Ambassadors of the Russian language” in the country.
Guests who visited Russia for the first time noted the hospitality and cordiality with which they were greeted.
Representatives of the university expressed sincere interest in developing the study of the Russian language and partnership with Pushkin Institute, which began back in 2018. Then the parties signed a cooperation agreement.
We look forward for productive interaction with our Nigerian colleagues!

Evgeny Kapyev spoke about his career path, gave advice on choosing a place to work, listed competencies that are relevant today in the book market, and inspired students to participate in internships.
Our guest also met with Rector of Pushkin Institute Natalia Trukhanovskaya. They discussed possible cooperation, including organizing internships for students.
Answering questions from the audience, Kapyev named the best-selling genres of books and his favorite works that changed his life – not only business literature is on the list!
Evgeny also shared his opinion on what a good and popular writer should be, how to present yourself to a novice author, and what mistakes editors and writers make:
“The biggest mistake an author makes is not reading his competitors. “I have seen many times how detective authors used Daria Dontsova’s techniques, and now they are sold in large quantities.”
Debunking the myth about the ‘death’ of paper books in the digital era, Evgeny Kapyev said a phrase popular among book publishers: “E-books will soon be as valuable as vinyl”,“ hinting at the prevailing demand for paper-based knowledge media.
At the end of the meeting, the guest thanked everyone for fascinating questions and warm welcome.
The moderator was Irina Ryzhova.
More photo — in our album!

On September 9, 2023 in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) on the basis of branch of the Russian Chemical-Technological University named after. Dmitry Mendeleev, Day of Knowledge was held for students of Russian universities branches in Uzbekistan.
Pushkin Institute also took part in the celebration – the institute was represented by Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philology for Research, professor Irina Leshutina, who gave a lecture on the importance of the ability to speak beautifully and competently in the direction of “Science and Education”.
Irina greeted guests of the celebration and noted that “Scientific knowledge is the foundation of education, and when students engage in science, this becomes a guarantee of their interesting, exciting and vibrant student life.”

On September 5, opening of the international educational project “Russian language in Africa: roads friendship and cooperation” took place. It is aimed at popularizing the Russian language, education, culture and developing intercultural cooperation between Russia and African countries.
The opening took place online. Pushkin Institute was represented there by the dean of the faculty of teaching Russian as a foreign language Svetlana Persiyanova.
The first webinar of the series “Russia – Africa: intercultural dialogue” will be held on September 12.
Recording of the opening – follow the link: https://youtu.be/pJH24VIcrFY
Telegram channel of the project: https://t.me/Africa_Russia_Dialogue
WhatsApp group: https://clck.ru/35dNew
The project is being implemented with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

On September 7, a training evacuation took place at Pushkin Institute. After fire alert all staff and students left the institute in an organized manner.
Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Activities Igor Kurochkin thanked all participants for efficiency and calmness in the end of training.
Earlier we published security rules in case of emergency. How to evacuate, what you need to take with you and what should you do if you notice people who don’t evacuate — in this post.
This spring there were also lections for Pushkin Institute’s staff about rules of conduct in case of terrorist threat and fire alert. On June 2, a training evacuation passed.

On August 29, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of Pushkin Institute Natalia Grendo and founder of Russian language center «Ivan and Maria» Marina Semenenko signed cooperation agreement.
Russian language center is oriented on teaching Russian language to foreign students. Within the framework of cooperation, it is planned to open the first official Russian language testing center of Pushkin Institute in Morocco. This will let Africans pass the certificated Russian language exam in their country. In the future, they will be able to try to enroll in Russian universities.
Our institute also represented Director of the Department of International Cooperation Yuri Kopylov, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation Ekaterina Atrashkevich, Deputy Director of the Testing center Ekaterina Shevchenko and specialist of the Organizational and analytical department Anna Burdykina.

On September 8, a meeting will be conducted with CEO of «Eksmo» Evgeny Kapiev. He will speak about aspects of book business, profession of an editor, bestsellers and working with authors.
Kapiev has been working in «Eksmo» since 2007. In 2008, he headed an editorial office of applied literature — during his management sales volume increased 7 times. In 2017, the editorial office was transformed into independent imprint — «Bombora» publishing.
«Eksmo» publishes books of popular Russian and foreign authors: Viktor Pelevin, Oleg Roi, Vadim Panov, Tatiana Ustinova, Masha Traub, Terry Pratchett, Isaac Asimov and others.
Evgeny Kapiev graduated from many business schools, including the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, RANEPA School of Management Consultants, International Institute for Management Development (Switzerland), Synergy Business School and Singularity University.
You will be able to see the celebrity of publishing business, ask about Pelevin and how to publish your own book.
September 8 at 16:00
Assembly hall (3rd floor)
We are waiting for you!

During an expedition, volunteers of the programme not only conducted interactive classes in the Russian language and literature in children’s camps, but also got acquainted with the culture of Kyrgyzstan.
Ambassadors visited the cultural center “Rukh Ordo”, which includes 10 museums and 5 chapels, each of which represents one of the world’s confessions: Islam, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Buddhism and Judaism.
The cultural center is named after the national writer of Kyrgyzstan – Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov. His main works – “The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years”, “The Place of the Skull”, “White steamship” – were written in Russian. There is a memorial house of the writer and a whole gallery of sculptures based on his books on the territory of “Rukh Ordo”. Here you can see the wolf Akbar, unfortunate mankurt, Donenbai bird and other characters.
Volunteers also went on excursions to the Grigorievsky and Semyonovsky gorges. Alena Gorbunova, ambassador and member of the expedition, shares her impressions:
“One of the most exciting parts of the trip was horse riding. It was my first experience and it turned out to be incredibly exciting. I was also amazed by the views that opened before us. At that moment, feelings seemed simply indescribable – I was able to see magnificent landscapes in all their glory”.
Educational and enlightment expedition of the volunteer programme “Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world” to the Kyrgyz Republic was implemented by Pushkin Institute with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Information partners: international network TV BRICS, “Eurasia Today” publishing.